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南京理工大学 控制科学与工程 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Engineering
东南大学 控制理论与控制工程 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's Degree in Engineering
东南大学 应用数学 University graduated Bachelor's Degree in Science
美国得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥分校 访问学者研究
南京农业大学工学院 教学科研
南京农业大学农业工程博士后流动站 博士后研究
1.切换系统理论及应用;2. 农业机器人与智能控制;3.人工智能及图像识别
Huang Jingxin, Cheng Jiani, Lin Xiangze, Park Ju H..Adaptive Fixed-Time Non-Smooth Stabilization of Switched Systems With Output Constraints,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL,2024,:-(Co corresponding author)
Zhou Ziqin,Xia Yude,Huang Jingxin,Lin Xiangze.Finite-time boundedness of switched linear systems via periodically intermittent control,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE,2024,55(9):1895-1906(Correspondence Author)
Lin Xiangze,Liu Yuanshan,Park Ju H..Output Feedback Stabilization of Switched Planar Systems With Incomplete Information,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL,2024,69(9):6222-6229(First and common communication)
Lin Xiangze,Huang Jingxin,Park Ju H..Non-smooth finite-time adaptive stabilisation of cascade switched systems with asymmetric output constraints,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2024,(First and common communication)
Lin Xiangze,Park Ju H..Output feedback stabilization of output-constrained stochastic switched planar systems,NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2024,(First and common communication)
Xia Yude,Lin Xiangze,Lee S. M..Probability-Based Finite-Time Security Control for Switched Stochastic Systems via a Novel Event-Triggered Mechanism and Its Application,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL,2024,(Co corresponding author)