- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Shi Jinxing,Kong Zhongxin,Zhong Jinkun,Zhang Xiaoqiu,Luo Xianmin,Wang Heyu,Xu Boyang,Wang Xin,Cheng Rui,Yuan Yang,Li Na,Xie Quan,Li Guoqiang,Jia Haiyan,Ma Zhengqiang.Mutagenesis and analysis of contrasting wheat lines do not support a role for PFT in Fusarium head blight resistance,NATURE GENETICS,2025,(参与作者)
- Wang Peisi,Huang Jun,Li Na,Zhang Jie,Gu Caimei,Yuan Yang,Wen Ziruo,Jia Haiyan,Kong Zhongxin,Ma Zhengqiang.Identification and fine mapping of PmNJ3946 for powdery mildew resistance in einkorn wheat,CROP JOURNAL,2023,11(6):1846-1851(参与作者)
- Li Na,Tan Qiuyi,Ding Jinhua,Pan Xinglai,Ma Zhengqiang.Fine mapping of Ne1, the hybrid necrosis gene complementary to Ne2 in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS,2021,134(9):2813-2821(第一作者)
- 马正强,谢全,李国强,贾海燕,周继阳,孔忠新,李娜,袁阳.Germplasms, genetics and genomics for better control of disastrous wheat Fusarium head blight,Theoretical applied genetics,2020,1(1):1-27(参与作者)
- 李国强,周继阳,贾海燕,郜忠霞,范敏,罗艳君,赵潘婷,薛树林,李娜,袁阳,马省伟,孔忠新,贾理,安霞,姜鸽,刘文星,曹文进,张蓉蓉,樊济才,徐晓武,刘彦芳,孔倩倩,郑首航,汪瑶,秦彬,曹守阳,丁云肖,史金星,闫海生,王鑫,冉从福,马正强.Mutation of a histidine-rich calcium-binding-protein gene in wheat confers resistance to Fusarium head blight,NATURE GENETICS,2019,51(7):1106-+(参与作者)
- 谢全,李娜,杨阳,吕宇龙,姚红妮,魏蓉,Debbie L. Sparkes,马正强.Pleiotropic effects of the wheat domestication gene Q on yield and grain morphology,PLANTA,2018,247(5):1089-1098(参与作者)
- Khan Nasr Ullah,李娜,沈涛,王佩斯,汤文斌,马省伟,张志蒙,贾海燕,孔忠新,马正强.Fine mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm4e in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),PLANTA,2018,248(5):1319-1328(参与作者)
- 李娜,贾海燕,孔忠新,汤文斌,丁云肖,梁俊超,马宏棋,马正强.Identification and marker-assisted transfer of a new powdery mildew resistance gene at the Pm4 locus in common wheat,MOLECULAR BREEDING,2017,37(6):-(第一作者)
- 梁俊超,付必胜,汤文斌,Khan Nasr Ullah,李娜,马正强.Fine Mapping of Two Wheat Powdery Mildew Resistance Genes Located at the Pm1 Cluster,PLANT GENOME,2016,9(2):-(参与作者)
- 徐欢欢,刘佳佳,李娜,马正强.小麦叶片瞬时表达体系的优化,麦类作物学报,2015,:-(通讯作者)