- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 高乐,落金艳,丁雪妮,王涛,胡婷,宋普文,翟锐,章红运,张锴,李凯,智海剑.Soybean RNA interference lines silenced for eIF4E show broad potyvirus resistance,MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY,2019,:-(参与作者)
- 姜华,李凯,盖钧镒.Agrobacterium rhizogenes-induced soybean hairy roots versus Soybean mosaic virus (ARISHR-SMV) is an efficient pathosystem for studying soybean-virus interactions,PLANT METHODS,2019,15:-(参与作者)
- 李凯,Zhang, Xinxin,Guo, Jianqiu,Penn, Hannah,Wu, Tingting,Li, Lin,Jiang, Hong,Chang, Lidan,Wu, Cunxiang,Han, Tianfu.Feeding of Riptortus pedestris on soybean plants, the primary cause of soybean staygreen syndrome in the Huang-Huai-Hai river basin,CROP JOURNAL,2019,7(3):360-367(共同第一作者)
- Zhang, Lei,Shang, Jing,Jia, Qi,李凯,Yang, Hui,Liu, Huanhuan,Tang, Zhongqin,Chang, Xiaoli,Zhang, Min,Wang, Wenming,Yang, Wenyu.Genetic evolutionary analysis of soybean mosaic virus populations from three geographic locations in China based on the P1 and CP genes,ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY,2019,164(4):1037-1048(参与作者)
- 桂江生,吴子娴,李凯.基于卷积神经网络模型的大豆花叶病初期高光谱检测,浙江大学学报. 农业与生命科学版,2019,45(2):256-262(参与作者)
- 分子标记在大豆种质和分离群体中对SMV抗性基因的选择效果研究,大豆科学,2018,37(1):14-21(共同通讯作者)
- Hui Li,,Xiaoxia Liu,Xiaoming Liu,J P Michaud,智海剑,李凯,Xiangrui Li,Zhen Li.Host Plant Infection by Soybean Mosaic Virus Reduces the Fitness of Its Vector, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae),JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY,2018,111(5):2017-2023(参与作者)
- 任锐,殷金龙,郑欢芳,王涛,刘士超,Karthikeyan Adhimoolam,杨清华,高乐,智海剑,李凯.Characterization of broad-spectrum resistance to Soybean mosaic virus in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivar "RN-9',PLANT BREEDING,2018,137(4):605-613(共同通讯作者)
- 高乐,孙石,李凯,王立伟,侯文胜,吴存祥,智海剑,韩天富.Spatio-temporal characterisation of changes in the resistance of widely grown soybean cultivars to Soybean mosaic virus across a century of breeding in China,CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE,2018,69(4):395-405(共同第一作者)
- 王大刚,李凯,智海剑.大豆抗大豆花叶病毒病基因研究进展,中国农业科学,2018,51(16):3040-3059(参与作者)