- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 徐洪乐,李俊,吴仁海,苏旺苍,吴希宝,王凌越,董立尧.Identification of Reference Genes for Studying Herbicide Resistance Mechanisms in Japanese Foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus),WEED SCIENCE,2017,65(5):557-566(参与作者)
- 冯玉娟,高原,张勇,董立尧,李俊.Mechanisms of Resistance to Pyroxsulam and ACCase Inhibitors in Japanese Foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus),WEED SCIENCE,2016,64(4):695-704(通讯作者)
- 吴宪,李俊,徐洪乐,董立尧.Factors Affecting Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence of Asia Minor Bluegrass (Polypogon fugax),WEED SCIENCE,2015,63(2):440-447(参与作者)
- 潘浪,李俊,夏文文,张迪,董立尧.An effective method, composed of LAMP and dCAPS, to detect different mutations in fenoxaprop-P-ethyl-resistant American sloughgrass (Beckmannia syzigachne Steud.) populations,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2015,117:1-8(参与作者)
- 潘浪,李俊,张雯娜,董立尧.Detection of the I1781L mutation in fenoxaprop-p-ethyl-resistant American sloughgrass (Beckmannia syzigachne Steud.), based on the loop-mediated isothermal amplification method,PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2015,71(1):123-130(参与作者)
- 潘浪,李俊,张腾,张迪,董立尧.Cross-resistance patterns to acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors associated with different ACCase mutations in Beckmannia syzigachne,WEED RESEARCH,2015,55(6):609-620(参与作者)
- 夏文文,潘浪,李俊,王琼,冯雨娟,董立尧.Molecular basis of ALS- and/or ACCase-inhibitor resistance in shortawn foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.),PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2015,122:76-80(参与作者)
- 徐洪乐,张文盼,张腾,李俊,吴宪,董立尧.Determination of Ploidy Level and Isolation of Genes Encoding Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase in Japanese Foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus),PLOS ONE,2014,9(12):-(参与作者)
- 徐洪乐,李俊,张迪,成英,姜英,董立尧.Mutations at codon position 1999 of acetyl-CoA carboxylase confer resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in Japanese foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus),PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2014,:-(参与作者)
- 徐洪乐,朱旭东,王红春,李俊,董立尧.Mechanism of resistance to fenoxaprop in Japanese foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus) from China,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2013,107(1):25-31(参与作者)