- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Qu Yuli,Meng Ling,Li Baoping.Defensive thrashing behavior of caterpillars incurs a fatal retaliation from predatory stinkbugs,BIOLOGICAL CONTROL,2022,176(通讯作者)
- Wang Yansong,Zheng Jie,Gao Ping,Li Hongran,He Jiayue,Guo Longxiu,Guan Yun,Meng Ling,Li Baoping.Changes in the gut microbial community of larvae of the harlequin lady beetle in response to cannibalism and intraguild predation,BIOLOGICAL CONTROL,2022,176(通讯作者)
- Guo Xiaomeng,Zhao Qi,Meng Ling,Hardy Ian C. W.,Li Baoping.Reproductive skew in quasisocial parasitoids: how egalitarian is cooperative brooding?,ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR,2022,186:191-206(通讯作者)
- Qu Yuli, Meng Ling, Li Baoping.Defensive thrashing behavior of caterpillars incurs a fatal retaliation from predatory stinkbugs.,BIOLOGICAL CONTROL,2022,176(通讯作者)
- 庄桂苓,郭晓萌,孟玲,李保平.管氏肿腿蜂母蜂产卵前合作的适合度代价,昆虫学报,2022,65(2022年02期):228-234(通讯作者)
- Zhuang Gui-Ling, Guo Xiao-Meng, Meng Ling, Li Bao-Ping.Fitness costs to foundresses for their cooperation before oviposition in Sclerodermus guani (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae),Acta Entomologica Sinica,2022,65(2):228-234(通讯作者)
- Guo Xiaomeng, Zhou Bingying, Zhao Rina, Meng Ling, Hardy Ian, Li Baoping.Agonistic responses to potential co-foundresses in a cooperatively brooding quasi-social parasitoid,ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY,2022,(通讯作者)
- Li Jin-Bu,Yin Mao-Zhu,Yao Wei-Chen,Ma Sai,Dewer Youssef,Liu Xing-Zhou,Wang Yue-Ying,Wang Chao-Wei,Li Bao-Ping,Zhu Xiu-Yun.Genome-Wide Analysis of Odorant-Binding Proteins and Chemosensory Proteins in the Bean bug Riptortus pedestris,FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY,2022,13(通讯作者)
- Yao Tingting,Qin Wenquan,Meng Ling,Li Baoping.Oviposition and developmental performances of the gregarious Cheiloneurus in relation to host,BIOLOGICAL CONTROL,2022,172(通讯作者)
- 庄桂苓,郭晓萌,孟玲,李保平.管氏肿腿蜂母蜂在整备寄主中合作的适合度代价,昆虫学报,2022,(2022年02期):1-7(通讯作者)