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南京体育学院 体育教学与训练 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's Degree in Education
南京体育学院 运动训练 University graduated Bachelor's Degree in Education
南京农业大学工学院 教学科研
多样赛制驱动下高校体育“教、练、赛”三位一体协同模式构建及其实践探索,南京体育学院学报,2023,22(10):72-77(Participating authors)
Chen Yao, Sun Yingshuang, Liu Zhiyun, Hu Donglin.Study on Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Chinese School Football Players.,CHILDREN-BASEL,2022,9(12):1(Co corresponding author)
Chen Yao,Sun Yingshuang,Liu Zhiyun,Hu Donglin.Study on Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Chinese School Football Players,CHILDREN-BASEL,2022,9(12):0(Co corresponding author)
Hu Donglin,Liu Zhiyun,Zhang He,Jiang Chen.Changes in Physical Health-Related Indexes of Chinese College Students before and after COVID-19 Lockdown,BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2022,2022:1-6(First and corresponding author)
Hu Donglin,Zhang He,Sun Yingshuang,Li Yongqin.The effects of the measures against COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity among school-aged children and adolescents (6-17 years) in 2020: A protocol for systematic review,PLOS ONE,2021,16(7):1(First Author)
Hu Donglin,Zhou Shi,Crowley-McHattan Zachary J.,Liu Zhiyun.Factors That Influence Participation in Physical Activity in School-Aged Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review from the Social Ecological Model Perspective,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2021,18(6):1(First and corresponding author)