基本信息 / Basic Information
- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 教师英文名称: Jinhu Huang
- 职务: Associate Professor
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- Characterization of a Linezolid- and Vancomycin-Resistant Streptococcus suis Isolate That Harbors optrA and vanG Operons,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2019,10:-(通讯作者)
- 张瑜娟,郭荔,黄金虎,孙勇,何方,Zloh,王丽平.Inhibitory Effect of Berberine on Broiler P-glycoprotein Expression and Function: In Situ and In Vitro Studies,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019,20(8):-(参与作者)
- 髙懿,黄金虎,陈丽,王梦莉,孙俊杰,王丽平.江苏北部地区猪源屎肠球菌耐药性分析及其酰胺醇类耐药基因的检测,南京农业大学学报,2019,42(2):322-327(参与作者)
- 黄金虎,孙俊杰,吴远昌,陈丽,段锻,吕茜,王丽平.Identification and pathogenicity of an XDR Streptococcus suis isolate that harbours the phenicol-oxazolidinone resistance genes optrA and cfr, and the bacitracin resistance locus bcrABDR,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS,2019,54(1):43-48(第一作者)
- 郭荔,李香秀,何方,刘洋,张瑜娟,黄金虎,王丽平.鸡小肠原位单向灌流法和MDCK 细胞系测定美托洛尔渗透性的影响因素,南京农业大学学报,2019,42(3):505-512(参与作者)
- 张瑜娟,黄金虎,刘洋,郭停停,王丽平.Using the lentiviral vector system to stably express chicken P-gp and BCRP in MDCK cells for screening the substrates and studying the interplay of both transporters,ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY,2018,92(6):2027-2042(参与作者)
- Cloning and Transcriptional Activity Analysis of the Porcine Abcb1 Gene Promoter: Transcription Factor Sp1 Regulates the Expression of Porcine Abcb1,FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY,2018,9:-(参与作者)
- Use of quercetin in animal feed: effects on the P-gp expression and pharmacokinetics of orally administrated enrofloxacin in chicken,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018,8:-(参与作者)
- 刘洋,郭荔,Zloh Mire,张瑜娟,黄金虎,王丽平.Relevance of Breast Cancer Resistance Protein to Pharmacokinetics of Florfenicol in Chickens: A Perspective from In Vivo and In Vitro Studies,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2018,19(10):-(参与作者)
- 马家乐,潘子豪,黄金虎,孙敏,陆承平,姚火春.The Hcp proteins fused with diverse extended-toxin domains represent a novel pattern of antibacterial effectors in type VI secretion systems,VIRULENCE,2017,8(7):1189-1202(参与作者)