- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 胡德洲,阚贵珍,胡魏,李亚丽,郝德荣,李霄,杨慧,杨中义,何小红,黄方,喻德跃.Identification of Loci and Candidate Genes Responsible for Pod Dehiscence in Soybean via Genome-Wide Association Analysis Across Multiple Environments,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2019,10:1-14(共同通讯作者)
- 杜海平,李霄,宁丽华,秦瑞,杜清,王晴,宋海娜,黄方,王慧,喻德跃.RNA-Seq analysis reveals transcript diversity and active genes after common cutworm (Spodoptera litura Fabricius) attack in resistant and susceptible wild soybean lines,BMC GENOMICS,2019,20:237-(参与作者)
- 王睿,杨中义,费宇涵,冯捷捷,朱慧,黄方,张红生,黄骥.Construction and analysis of degradome-dependent microRNA regulatory networks in soybean,BMC GENOMICS,2019,20:-(参与作者)
- 曾旋睿,刘海伦,杜弘杨,王苏静,杨文明,迟英俊,王娇,黄方,喻德跃.Soybean MADS-box gene GmAGL1 promotes flowering via the photoperiod pathway,BMC GENOMICS,2018,19:-(参与作者)
- 杨慧,薛茜,张珍珍,杜静怡,喻德跃,黄方.GmMYB181, a Soybean R2R3-MYB Protein, Increases Branch Number in Transgenic Arabidopsis,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2018,9:-(通讯作者)
- 郭文雅,崔艳梅,王婷婷,黄方,喻德跃.野生大豆花发育相关基因GsLFY的功能研究,遗传,2017,39(1):56-66(通讯作者)
- 杨慧,史贵霞,杜弘杨,WANG H,张珍珍,胡德洲,王娇,黄方,喻德跃.Genome-Wide Analysis of Soybean LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES Domain-Containing Genes: A Functional Investigation of GmLBD12,PLANT GENOME,2017,10(1):-(通讯作者)
- 迟英俊,王婷婷,许光莉,杨慧,曾旋睿,沈益新,喻德跃,黄方.GmAGL1, a MADS-Box Gene from Soybean, Is Involved in Floral Organ Identity and Fruit Dehiscence,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2017,8(0):-(通讯作者)
- 郭文雅,崔艳梅,黄方,喻德跃.野生大豆GsAP1基因的克隆及功能分析,大豆科学,2016,35(6):919-927(参与作者)
- 张晋玉,杜弘杨,晁毛妮,印志同,杨慧,李亚凯,黄方,喻德跃.Identification of Two bZIP Transcription Factors Interacting with the Promoter of Soybean Rubisco Activase Gene (GmRCA alpha),FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2016,7:-(通讯作者)