- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 顾沁,王振中,孙肖,冀田田,黄海,杨洋,张昊,Hafiz Abdul Samad Tahir,吴黎明,伍辉军,高学文.FvSet2 regulates fungal growth, pathogenicity, and secondary metabolism in Fusarium verticillioides,FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY,2017,107:24-30(第一作者)
- 谢永丽,吴黎明,朱碧春,伍辉军,顾沁,Faheem Uddin Rajer,高学文.Digital gene expression profiling of the pathogen-resistance mechanism of Oryza sativa 9311 in response to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 induction,BIOLOGICAL CONTROL,2017,110(0):89-97(参与作者)
- 朱碧春,顾丽,李正,伍辉军,顾沁,吴黎明,高学文.南极土壤芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定及其防治玉米细菌性褐腐病的研究,南京农业大学学报(自然版),2017,40(4):641-648(参与作者)
- 顾沁,Hafiz Abdul Samad Tahir,张昊,黄海良,冀田田,孙肖,吴黎明,伍辉军,高学文.Involvement of FvSet1 in Fumonisin B1 Biosynthesis, Vegetative Growth, Fungal Virulence, and Environmental Stress Responses in Fusarium verticillioides,TOXINS,2017,9(2):-(第一作者)
- 顾沁,冀田田,孙肖,黄海,张昊,逯茜,吴黎明,霍蓉,伍辉军,高学文.Histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase FvDim5 regulates fungal development, pathogenicity and osmotic stress responses in Fusarium verticillioides,FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS,2017,364(19):-(第一作者)
- Hafiz Abdul Samad Tahir,顾沁,伍辉军,Waseem Raza,Alwina Hanif,吴黎明,Massawe V Colman,高学文.Plant Growth Promotion by Volatile Organic Compounds Produced by Bacillus subtilis SYST2,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2017,8(0):-(参与作者)
- Identification of functional regions of the HrpZ(Psg) protein from Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea that induce disease resistance and enhance growth in plants,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY,2017,147(1):55-71(参与作者)
- 刘尊勇,吴思思,陈云,韩新月,顾沁,尹燕妮,马忠华.The microtubule end-binding protein FgEB1 regulates polar growth and fungicide sensitivity via different interactors in Fusarium graminearum,ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2017,19(5):1791-1807(参与作者)
- Hafiz Abdul Samad Tahir,顾沁,伍辉军,Waseem Raza,Asma Safdar,黄子洋,Faheem Uddin Raje,高学文.Effect of volatile compounds produced by Ralstonia solanacearum on plant growth promoting and systemic resistance inducing potential of Bacillus volatiles,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2017,17(0):-(参与作者)
- 顾沁,杨洋,袁启明,侍光明,吴黎明,娄志英,霍蓉,伍辉军,Rainer Borriss,高学文.Bacillomycin D Produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Is Involved in the Antagonistic Interaction with the Plant-Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium graminearum,APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2017,83(19):-(第一作者)