- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- 办公地点: 卫岗校区逸夫楼1000-3室
- 杨平,朱旭东,王玲玲,Ahmed Nisar,黄宇飞,陈鸿,Ullah Shakeeb,刘腾飞,郭大伟,Brohi, Sarfaraz Ahmed,陈秋生.Cellular Evidence of Telocytes as Novel Interstitial Cells Within the Magnum of Chicken Oviduct,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2017,26(1):135-143(参与作者)
- Shape-controlled fabrication of magnetite silver hybrid nanoparticles with high performance magnetic hyperthermia,BIOMATERIALS,2017,124(0):35-46(参与作者)
- Xuna Tang,郭大伟,江善祥,Gu Ning,Ni Yanghong,Ge Jiuyu,Hu Qingang.Facile Preparation of Nanosilver Particles with Excellent Antimicrobial Activity via Release of Ionic Silver,JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2017,17(2):1046-1052(共同第一作者)
- 郭停停,黄金虎,张鸿宇,董玲玲,郭大伟,郭荔,何方,Zohaib Ahmed Bhutto,王丽平.Abcb1 in Pigs: Molecular cloning, tissues distribution, functional analysis, and its effect on pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(参与作者)
- 孙勇,郭停停,郭大伟,郭荔,陈丽,张瑜,王丽平.Establishment and characterization of an MDCK cell line stably-transfected with chicken Abcb1 encoding P-glycoprotein,RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE,2016,106:37-44(参与作者)
- 葛琳,郭大伟,何方,黄金虎,王丽平.PmrA-PmrB二元调控系统介导大肠杆菌对黏杆菌素耐药的机制研究,畜牧兽医学报,2016,47(4):812-819(参与作者)
- Comparative Genomic Analysis of the ICESa2603 Family ICEs and Spread of erm(B)- and tet(O)-Carrying Transferable 89K-Subtype ICEs in Swine and Bovine Isolates in China,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2016,7:-(参与作者)
- Liu Jian,Ma Wenjuan,Xie Jundan,Zhang Xiuyan,Zhou Haixia,Yao Hong,Zhang Weiqi,郭大伟,Zhu Lingying,Xiao Lun,Wu Depei,Xu Haiyan,Chen Suning,Zhao Yun.Modulating the Growth and Imatinib Sensitivity of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem/Progenitor Cells with Pullulan/MicroRNA Nanoparticles In Vitro,JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015,11(11):1961-1974(参与作者)
- 郭大伟,张军忍,huang zhihai,江善祥,Gu ning.Colloidal silver nanoparticles improve anti-leukemic drug efficacy via amplification of oxidative stress,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES,2015,126:198-203(第一作者)
- Huang Zhihai,Jiang Hao,Liu Peidang,Sun Jianfei,郭大伟,Shan Jieling,Guning.Continuous synthesis of size-tunable silver nanoparticles by a green electrolysis method and multi-electrode design for high yield,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2015,3(5):1925-1929(参与作者)