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南京农业大学 农业电气化与自动化 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral degree
武汉理工大学硕士研究生毕业 控制理论与控制工程 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's Degree in Engineering
张保华,代德建,黄继超,周俊,桂启发,戴芳.Influence of physical and biological variability and solution methods in fruit and vegetable quality nondestructive inspection by using imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy techniques: A review,CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION,2018,58(12):2099-2118(Participating authors)
桂启发.基于模糊理论的树冠图像边缘检测算法研究,江西农业科学,2014,Vo1.26(No.8):109-113(First and corresponding author)
桂启发,徐素明.节能抽油机交流伺服驱动系统的设计,微处理机,2009,30(NO.4):113-116(First and corresponding author)
桂启发.基于 CAN 总线的交流伺服电机控制技术,工业控制计算机,2007,20(3):11-12(First and corresponding author)
桂启发.灰色理论分析稻米重量与品质的关系,陕西农业科学,2006,5(NO.5):6-11(First and corresponding author)