- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 基于专业认证理念的生物统计学课程教学问卷调查分析与研究,高校实验室科学技术,2019,3:112-115(参与作者)
- 温阳俊,张亚雯,张瑾,冯建英,Dunwell,Jim M ,章元明.An efficient multi-locus mixed model framework for the detection of small and linked QTLs in F-2,BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS,2019,20(5):1913-1924(参与作者)
- 温阳俊,章瀚文,倪元丽,黄博,张瑾,冯建英,王诗博,Junwell,Jim M ,章元明,邬荣领.Methodological implementation of mixed linear models in multi-locus genome-wide association studies,BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS,2018,19(4):700-712(参与作者)
- 张瑾,冯建英,倪元丽,温阳俊,牛远,Tamba Cox Lwaka,岳超,宋启建,章元明.pLARmEB: integration of least angle regression with empirical Bayes for multilocus genome-wide association studies,HEREDITY,2017,118(6):517-524(共同第一作者)
- 冯建英,岳秀丽,倪元丽,章元明.多歧性状上位性关联分析的分层广义混合线性模型方法,南京农业大学学报,2017,40(2):211-218(第一作者)
- Improving power and accuracy of genome-wide association studies via a multi-locus mixed linear model methodology,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(参与作者)
- 王诗博,温阳俊,任文龙,倪元丽,张瑾,冯建英,章元明.Mapping small-effect and linked quantitative trait loci for complex traits in backcross or DH populations via a multi-locus GWAS methodology,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(参与作者)
- 植物关联分析方法的研究进展,作物学报,2016,42(7):945-956(第一作者)
- 周玲,王诗博,Jian, JianboGeng,耿青春,Wen, Jia,Song, Qijian, Wu, Zhenzhen,Li, Guang-Jun,Liu, Yu-Qin,Dunwell, Jim M,张瑾,冯建英,牛远,张丽,任文龙,章元明.Identification of domestication-related loci associated with flowering time and seed size in soybean with the RAD-seq genotyping method,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2015,5:-(参与作者)
- 谢尚潜,冯建英,章元明.Linkage group correction using epistatic distorted markers in F-2 and backcross populations,HEREDITY,2014,112(5):479-488(第一作者)