- 所在单位:资源与环境科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 刘晓芹,黄代民,陶晋源,Tony Miller,范晓荣,徐国华.Identification and functional assay of the interaction motifs in the partner protein OsNAR2.1 of the two-component system for high-affinity nitrate transport,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2014,204(1):74-80(通讯作者)
- 范晓荣,谢丹,陈景光,陆海燕,徐艳玲,马翠,徐国华.Over-expression of OsPTR6 in rice increased plant growth at different nitrogen supplies but decreased nitrogen use efficiency at high ammonium supply,plant science,2014,227(1):1-11(第一及通讯作者)
- 冯慧敏,夏秀东,范晓荣,徐国华,Anthony Miller.Optimizing plant transporter expression in Xenopus oocytes,PLANT METHODS,2013,9:-(通讯作者)
- 徐国华,范晓荣,tony miller.Plant Nitrogen Assimilation and Use Efficiency,ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT BIOLOGY, VOL 63,2012,63(63):153-182(参与作者)
- 范晓荣,陈赢男,宋文静,张亚丽,徐国华.Over-expression of OsPIN2 leads to increased tiller numbers, angle and shorter plant height through suppression of OsLAZY1,PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL,2012,10(2):139-149(第一作者)
- 孙淑斌,顾冕,曹越,黄新朋,张晓,艾鹏慧,赵建宁,范晓荣,徐国华.A Constitutive Expressed Phosphate Transporter, OsPht1;1, Modulates Phosphate Uptake and Translocation in Phosphate-Replete Rice,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2012,159(4):1571-1581(参与作者)
- 唐仲,范晓荣,李青,冯慧敏,Anthony J Miller,沈其荣,徐国华.Knock Down of a Rice Stelar Nitrate Transporter alters Long Distance Translocation but not Root Influx,plant physiology,2012,160((4)):2052-2063(第一作者)
- 缪其松,曾后清,朱毅勇,范晓荣,徐国华,沈其荣.铵态氮营养下水稻根系分泌氢离子与细胞膜电位及质子泵的关系,植物营养与肥料学报,2011,17(5):1044-1049(参与作者)
- 范晓荣,严明,冯慧敏,Miller AJ,沈其荣,徐国华.Rice OsNAR2.1 interacts with OsNRT2.1, OsNRT2.2 and OsNRT2.3a nitrate transporters to provide uptake over high and low concentration ranges,PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT,2011,34(8):1360-1372(第一作者)
- 冯慧敏,严明,范晓荣,李宝珍,沈其荣,Miller AJ,徐国华.Spatial expression and regulation of rice high-affinity nitrate transporters by nitrogen and carbon status,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2011,62(7):2319-2332(参与作者)