- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 董莎萌,阴伟晓,孔广辉,杨新宇,Qutob, Dinah,陈庆河,Kale, Shiv D,隋阳阳,张正光,窦道龙,郑小波,Gijzen, Mark,Tyler, Brett ,王源超.Phytophthora sojae Avirulence Effector Avr3b is a Secreted NADH and ADP-ribose Pyrophosphorylase that Modulates Plant Immunity,PLOS PATHOGENS,2011,7(11):-(第一作者)
- 唐庆华,崔林开,李德龙,戴婷婷,阴伟晓,董莎萌,邢邯,郑小波,王源超.黄淮地区大豆种质资源对疫霉根腐病的抗病性评价,中国农业科学,2010,43(11):2246-2252(参与作者)
- 宋雯雯,豆献英,齐中强,王琦,张幸,张海峰,郭敏,董莎萌,张正光.R-SNARE Homolog MoSec22 Is Required for Conidiogenesis, Cell Wall Integrity, and Pathogenesis of Magnaporthe oryzae,PLOS ONE,2010,5(10):e13193(参与作者)
- 崔林开,阴伟晓,唐庆华,董莎萌,郑小波,张正光,王源超.Distribution, Pathotypes, and Metalaxyl Sensitivity of Phytophthora sojae from Heilongjiang and Fujian Provinces in China,PLANT DISEASE,2010,94(7):881-884(参与作者)
- 王永林,李爱宁,陶恺,董莎萌,黄茜,戴婷婷,郑小波,王源超.PsSAK1, a Stress-Activated MAP Kinase of Phytophthora sojae, Is Required for Zoospore Viability and Infection of Soybean,MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS,2010,23(8):1022-1031(参与作者)
- 张华建,董莎萌,宋雯雯,李文强,郑小波,张正光.The role of vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) from Nicotiana benthamiana in the elicitor-triggered hypersensitive response and stomatal closure,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2010,61(13):3799-3812(参与作者)
- The Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor Moatf1 Mediates Oxidative Stress Responses and Is Necessary for Full Virulence of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae,MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS,2010,23(8):1053-1068(参与作者)
- Qutob, Dinah,董莎萌,Tedman-Jones, Jennifer,Kuflu, Kuflom,Pham, Hai,王源超,窦道龙, Kale, Shiv D,Arredondo, Felipe D,Tyler, Brett M,Gijzen, Mark.Copy Number Variation and Transcriptional Polymorphisms of Phytophthora sojae RXLR Effector Genes Avr1a and Avr3a,PLOS ONE,2009,4(4):-(第一作者)
- 甘芸哲,张丽莎,张正光,董莎萌,李俊,王源超,郑小波.The LCB(2) subunit of the sphingolip biosynthesis enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase can function as an attenuator of the hypersensitive response and Bax-induced cell death,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2009,181(1):127-146(参与作者)
- 陈孝仁,程保平,王新乐,董莎萌,王永林,郑小波,王源超.Green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a vital marker for studying the interaction of Phytophthora sojae and soybean,CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN,2009,54(16):2822-2829(参与作者)