- 所在单位:工学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Shi Lu,Liu Wei,Zhao Fanjun,Liu Ruixin,Sun Yadi,Dong Chengyu,Cheng Guanggui,Ding Jianning.Tailoring the dual precursors coupled hard carbon by embedding the pitch-derived graphitic domains to achieve high-performance sodium storage,JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2024,596(共同通讯作者)
- 谢葛亮,周贤君,董澄宇,陈伟,徐禄江,方真.木质素基芳香醛类化合物的制备及其转化研究进展,林产化学与工业,2023,43(2023年04期):115-126(参与作者)
- Shi Lu,Zhao Fanjun,Liu Ruixin,Liu Wei,Sun Yadi,Dong Chengyu,Cheng Guanggui,Ding Jianning.Deep etching assisted hollow-carbon-skeleton structured porous Co0.85Se nanocubes anchored on MXene nanosheets for superior sodium storage toward ultrahigh initial Coulombic efficiency,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2023,968(共同通讯作者)
- Shi Lu,Sun Yadi,Liu Wei,Zhao Fanjun,Liu Ruixin,Dong Chengyu,Cheng Guanggui,Ding Jianning.Pre-engineering artificial solid electrolyte interphase for hard carbon anodes for superior sodium storage performance,CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023,(共同通讯作者)
- Dong Chengyu,Meng Xianzhi,Leu Shao-Yuan,Xu Lujiang,Wu Zhilin,Cravotto Giancarlo,Fang Zhen.Enhancing alpha-etherification of lignin in Eucalyptus diol pretreatment to improve lignin monomer production,INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS,2022,185(第一作者)
- Xu Lujiang,He Zijian,Zhang Huan,Wu Shenghong,Dong Chengyu,Fang Zhen.Production of aromatic amines via catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignin and phenol-formaldehyde resins with ammonia over commercial HZSM-5 zeolites,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2021,320:-(参与作者)