- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Pi Ji'ang, Foo Eric Wenhao, Zang Xueyu, Li Shuai, Zhao Yanbing, Liu Yongwang, Deng Yifeng.Evaluation of the Feasibility of 2D-SWE to Measure Liver Stiffness in Healthy Dogs and Analysis of Possible Confounding Factors,ANIMALS,2023,13(22):-(通讯作者)
- Pi, Ji'ang,Foo, Eric Wenhao,Zang, Xueyu,Li, Shuai,赵艳兵,刘永旺,邓益锋.Evaluation of the Feasibility of 2D-SWE to Measure Liver Stiffness in Healthy Dogs and Analysis of Possible Confounding Factors.,Animals : an open access journal from MDPI,2023,13(22):-(通讯作者)
- Li Shuai,Zhao Xingkai,Deng Yifeng,Zhao Yanbing,Liu Yongwang,Wang Donglu,Guo Yizhe,Xu Xuanrong,Zhou Zhenlei.Affecting factors for abdominal incisional tension in surgery of dogs and cats,RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE,2023,156:88-94(参与作者)
- 林立山,冯笑笑,孙茂平,柳磊,杨其清,赵艳兵,邓益锋,周振雷,姚大伟.我国部分地区犬冠状病毒感染状况调查,病毒学报,2021,37(2021年02期):376-381(参与作者)
- 侯乐乐,侯加法,周振雷,邓益锋,姚大伟.Biosafety, and improvement of osteoporosis in cage layers through using chOPG protein,SAUDI JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2020,27(1):288-295(参与作者)
- 姚大伟,林立山,朱旭,李四豪,孙欢,邓益锋,赵艳兵,周振雷.新冠疫情期间我国部分地区猫冠状病毒感染状况调查,畜牧兽医学报,2020,51(8):2027-2031(参与作者)
- 尹鸿萍,邓益锋,王华富,刘五高,庄禧懿,储卫华.Tea polyphenols as an antivirulence compound Disrupt Quorum-Sensing Regulated Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2015,5:-(参与作者)
- 刘娜,赵志勇,杨凌宸,邓益锋,王建华,宋素泉,林善海,武爱波,周振雷,侯加法.Multi-mycotoxin analysis of animal feed and animal-derived food using LC-MS/MS system with timed and highly selective reaction monitoring,ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015,407(24):7359-7368(参与作者)
- 张杰,邓益锋,马会杰,侯加法,周振雷.Effect of transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 gene silencing on the expression of calcium transport genes in chicken osteoblasts,POULTRY SCIENCE,2015,94(3):395-401(参与作者)
- 杨凌宸,赵志勇,邓益锋,周振雷,侯加法.Toxicity induced by F. poae-contaminated feed and the protective effect of Montmorillonite supplementation in broilers,FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY,2014,74:120-130(参与作者)