- 所在单位:工学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- Cao Yubin,Wang Chaoxi,An Yongze,Chen Yunfu,Qiu Wei.Droplet deposition behavior on the surface of wheat leaves with wind-induced vibration,CROP PROTECTION,2024,181(参与作者)
- An Yongze,Hao Yiyao,Wang Chaoxi,Xue Jinlin,Qiu Wei,Chen Yunfu.Droplet impacting dynamics on a thin liquid film on the rice-leaf microstructured surface,PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2024,36(2)(共同通讯作者)
- Wang Chaoxi,Cao Yubin,Chen Yunfu,Xu Lujiang,Qiu Wei.Understanding dilution effects on particle-containing pesticide droplets deposition on rice leaf via developing CFD-VOF-DPM model,PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2024,(参与作者)
- Zheng He,Sun Hao,Cao Yubin,Lv Xiaolan,Wang Chaoxi,Chen Yunfu,Yu Hongfeng,Qiu Wei.Computational fluid dynamics simulation analysis of the effect of curved rice leaves on the deposition behaviour of droplets,PLANT METHODS,2023,19(1)(参与作者)
- Zhang Fubin,Sun Hao,Qiu Wei,Lv Xiaolan,Chen Yunfu,Zhao Guozhu.Model construction and validation of airflow velocity attenuation through pear tree canopies,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2022,13(参与作者)
- Qiu Wei,Guo Hongbin,Cao Yubin,Li Xiaolong,Wu Jianhao,Chen Yunfu,Yu Hongfeng,Zhang Zhengwei.An electrical vortex air-assisted spraying system for improving droplet deposition on rice,PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2022,78(10):4037-4047(参与作者)
- Fabrication of micro/nano-hierarchical structures for droplet manipulation via velocity-controlled picosecond laser surface texturing,OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING,2019,122:319-327(参与作者)
- 陈云富,yucheng,liumeifang,sufen,chenyongping.Particle dispersion in a partially filled rotating cylindrical tank,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2016,111:1-12(第一作者)
- 陈云富,杨和梅.壁面粗糙度对喷油器内空化流动特性的影响,科学技术与工程,2013,13(8):2068-2073(第一及通讯作者)
- 周宾,陈云富,高鹤鸣,王式民.气固两相流中流型和电荷分布的可视化研究,工程热物理学报,2012,33(9):1554-1558(参与作者)