- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 陈秋生.中医经络实质研究的新进展,针刺研究,2021,46(6):533-540(第一及通讯作者)
- 黄宇飞,杨盛,白雪兵,史永红,陈秋生.Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Lipid Droplet Breakdown in the Liver of Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis),FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE,2021,8(8):-(通讯作者)
- GANDAHI NOOR SAMAD,丁佰韬,史永红,白雪兵,Jameel Ahmed Gandahi ,Waseem Ali Vistro,陈秋生,杨平.Identification of Telocytes in the Pancreas of Turtles-A role in Cellular Communication,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2020,21(6):-(参与作者)
- Noor Samad Gandahi,Jameel Ahmed Gandahi,杨平,Imran Tarique,Waseem Ali Vistro,Abdul Haseeb,黄宇飞,梁玉,白雪兵,陈秋生.Ultrastructural Evidence of Melanomacrophagic Centers and Lipofuscin in the Liver of Zebrafish (Denio rerio),ZEBRAFISH,2020,17(2):83-90(通讯作者)
- Imran Tarique,Mansoor Tariq,白雪兵,屈文佳,杨平,黄宇飞,杨盛,Waseem Ali Vistro,陈秋生.Interaction of Epididymal Epithelia and their Secretions with Spermatozoa Supports Functional and Morphological Changes During Long-Term Storage in the Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis),MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS,2020,26(3):542-550(通讯作者)
- Autophagy enhances lipid droplet development during spermiogenesis in Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis,THERIOGENOLOGY,2020,147:154-165(通讯作者)
- 陈鸿,刘腾飞,William V. Holt,杨平,章琳俐,张莉,韩向琨,卞勋光,陈秋生.Advances in understanding mechanisms of long-term sperm storage-the soft-shelled turtle model,HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY,2020,35(1):1-23(通讯作者)
- 史永红,吴睿智,张越,白雪兵,Imran Tarique,梁春花,杨平,陈秋生.Telocytes in Different Organs of Vertebrates: Potential Essence Cells of the Meridian in Chinese Traditional Medicine,MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS,2020,26(3):575-588(通讯作者)
- Abdul Haseeb,Imran Tarique,白雪兵,李文倩,杨平,黄宇飞,杨盛,徐梦迪,张越,Waseem Ali Vistro,Surfaraz Ali Fazlani,陈秋生.Cellular Evidence of CD63-Enriched Exosomes and Multivesicular Bodies within the Seminiferous Tubule during the Spermatogenesis of Turtles,MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS,2020,26(1):148-156(通讯作者)
- 史永红,Imran Tarique,Noor Samad Gandahi,丁佰韬,杨平,陈畅,Waseem Ali Vistro,陈秋生.In vivo cellular evidence of autophagic associated spermiophagy within the principal cells during sperm storage in epididymis of the turtle,AGING-US,2020,12(10):8987-8999(通讯作者)