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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
School/Department: College of Agriculture
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
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Alma Mater:
Paper Publications
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Ju Feiyan,Li Yan,Zhang Xihe,Yu Kai,Huo Yuyang,Zhu Junjun,Wang Youhua,Zhou Zhiguo,Ali Saif,Tang Qiuxiang,Chen Binglin.Effects of potassium application on soil ecological resistance to Verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE,2022,:-(Correspondence Author)
Zha Li,Yang Changqin,Fang Guowen,Zhi Mengling,Chen Binglin,Zhou Zhiguo,Meng Yali.Crop residue return reduces cotton Verticillium wilt by altering potassium nutrition and root exudates,APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY,2022,177(Participating authors)
Zou Jie,Snider John L.,Zhu Honghai,He Jiaqi,Li Yuxia,Zhou Zhiguo,Wang Youhua,Meng Yali,Chen Binglin,Zhao Wenqing,Wang Shanshan,Hu Wei.Soil drought duration and severity affect cotton boll biomass by altering recovery times and carbon dynamics of subtending leaf,JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE,2022,(Participating authors)
Li Yuxia,Zou Jie,Zhu Honghai,He Jiaqi,Setter Tim L.,Wang Youhua,Meng Yali,Chen Binglin,Zhao Wenqing,Wang Shanshan,Hu Wei,Zhou Zhiguo.Drought deteriorated the nutritional quality of cottonseed by altering fatty acids and amino acids compositions in cultivars with contrasting drought sensitivity,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2022,194(Participating authors)
Hu Wei,Zhang Jipeng,Wu Ziqing,Loka Dimitra A.,Zhao Wenqing,Chen Binling,Wang Youhua,Meng Yali,Zhou Zhiguo,Gao Lurongrong.Effects of single and combined exogenous application of abscisic acid and melatonin on cotton carbohydrate metabolism and yield under drought stress,Industrial Crops and Products,2022,176(Participating authors)
Li Yuxia,Hu Wei,Setter Tim L.,He Jiaqi,Zou Jie,Zhu Honghai,Zheng Gaoyuan,Zhao Wenqing,Wang Youhua,Chen Binglin,Meng Yali,Wang Shanshan,Zhou Zhiguo.Soil drought decreases oil synthesis and increases protein synthesis in cottonseed kernel during the flowering and boll formation of cotton,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2022,201(Participating authors)
Soil drought duration and severity affect cotton boll biomass by altering recovery times and carbon dynamics of subtending leaf,JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE,2022,(Participating authors)
郁凯,霍钰阳,朱俊俊,陈兵林,汤秋香.盐胁迫下施钾调节棉纤维断裂比强度的糖代谢机制,棉花学报,2021,33(1):22-32(Correspondence Author)
Fang Sheng,Hu Wei,Wang Shanshan,Chen Binglin,Zhou Zhiguo.Exogenous application of 6-BA and GA(3) collaboratively improves cottonseed yield and seed quality via altering production of carbohydrates in the embryo,ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE,2021,:-(Participating authors)
Ju Feiyan,Pang Jiali,Huo Yuyang,Zhu Junjun,Yu Kai,Sun Liyuan,Loka Dimitra A.,Hu Wei,Zhou Zhiguo,Wang Shanshan,Chen Binglin,Tang Qiuxiang.Potassium application alleviates the negative effects of salt stress on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield by improving the ionic homeostasis, photosynthetic capacity and carbohydrate metabolism of the leaf subtending the cotton boll,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2021,272:-(Correspondence Author)
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