- 所在单位:食品科技学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Xie Yunting, Cai Linlin, Huang Zhiji, Shan Kai, Xu Xinglian, Zhou Guanghong, Li Chunbao.Plant-based meat analogues aggravated lipid accumulation by regulating lipid metabolism homeostasis in mice,FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN WELLNESS,2024,13(2):946-960(第一作者)
- Xie Yunting,Cai Linlin,Zhou Guanghong,Li Chunbao.Comparison of nutritional profile between plant-based meat analogues and real meat: A review focusing on ingredients, nutrient contents, bioavailability, and health impacts,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2024,187(第一作者)
- Transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal the adaption of Akkermansia muciniphila to high mucin by regulating energy homeostasis,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2021,11(1):-(参与作者)
- 谢允婷,王冲,赵迪,周光宏,李春保.Processing Method Altered Mouse Intestinal Morphology and Microbial Composition by Affecting Digestion of Meat Proteins,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2020,11:-(第一作者)