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l Shao W Y, Zhang Y, Chen C J*, Xing Y J*. (2023). Function of the mitochondrial transport protein BcMtp1 in regulating vegetative development, asexual reproduction, stress response, fungicide sensitivity, and virulence of Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Fungi, 9: 25.
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l Liu K, Wen, Z Y, Ma Z H, Shao W Y*. (2022). Biological and molecular characterizations of fluxapyroxad-resistant isolates of Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology Research, 4: 2.
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l Shao W Y, Lv C Y, Zhang Y, Wang J and Chen C J*. (2017) Involvement of BcElp4 in vegetative development, various environmental stress response and virulence of Botrytis cinerea. Microbial Biotechnology, 10: 886-895.
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l Shao W Y, Yang Y L, Zhang Y, Lv C Y, Ren W C and Chen C J*. (2016) Involvement of BcStr2 in methionine biosynthesis, vegetative differentiation, multiple stress tolerance and virulence in Botrytis cinerea. Molecular Plant Pathology, 17: 438-447.
l Shao W Y, Ren W C, Zhang Y, Hou Y P, Duan Y B, Wang J X, Zhou M G and Chen C J*. (2015) Baseline sensitivity of natural populations and characterization of resistant strains of Botrytis cinerea to fluazinam. Australasian Plant Pathology, 44: 358.
l Shao W Y, Zhang Y, Ren W C and Chen C J*. (2014) Physiological and biochemical characteristics of laboratory induced mutants of Botrytis cinerea with resistance to fluazinam. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 117: 19-23.
l 热激蛋白BcHsp70类泛素化调控灰葡萄孢低温适应性的机制研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目(31901828),2020-01至2022-12。
l 灰葡萄孢类泛素化(SUMO)分子BcSmt3生物学功能研究,中国博士后科学基金委员会,面上项目(2018M642450),2018-12至2020-06。
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植物保护 大学本科毕业