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格罗宁根大学 遗传学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral degree
乌普萨拉大学 博士后研究员
Wen-Juan Ma,Bart Pannebakker,Xuan Li,Elzemiek Geuverink,Seyed Yahya Anvar,Paris Veltsos,Tanja Schwander,Louis van de Zande,Leo W Beukeboom.A single QTL with large effect is associated with female functional virginity in an asexual parasitoid wasp,Molecular Ecology,2021,30(9):1979-1992
Xuan Li,Fangfei Lin,Louis van de Zande,Leo W. Beukeboom.Strong variation in frequencies of male and female determiners between neighboring housefly populations,Insect Science,2022,29(5):1470-1482
Xuan Li,Sander Visser,Jae Hak Son,Elzemiek Geuverink,Ece Naz Kıvanç,Yanli Wu,Stephan Schmeing,Martin Pippel,Seyed Yahya Anvar,Martijn A. Schenkel,František Marec,Mark D. Robinson,Richard P. Meisel,Ernst A. Wimmer,Louis van de Zande,Daniel Bopp,Leo W. Beukeboom.Divergent evolution of male-determining loci on proto-Y chromosomes of the housefly,Nature Communications,2024,5984
Xuan Li,Suvratha Jayaprasad,Elisabet Einarsdottir,Steven J. B. Cooper,Alexander Suh,Takeshi Kawakami,Octavio Manuel Palacios-Gimenez.Chromosome-level genome assembly of the morabine grasshopper Vandiemenella viatica19,Scientific Data,2024,997